Book Blogger Insider Tag


Thank you so much to Books and Coffee Cups for tagging me! I’ve had a crazy week (it was my first week at uni and I start my new job this saturday!), so this came at the perfect time. You should all check out her blog, it’s great!

1.Answer the questions below
2.Credit the creator: Jamie @ A Little Slice of Jamie
3.Tag at least 5 people
4.Have fun!

1. Where do you typically write your blog posts?

I normally sit and write on the couch in my living room, but I also get ideas when I’m in bed trying to go to sleep which is annoying. When that happens I write up a draft of the post on the notes app on my phone and then edit it on my laptop the next morning. Half the time I wake up and realise I’ve written a load of rubbish though!

2. How long does it generally take you to write a book review?


It really depends on the book, sometimes I know exactly what I want to say and the post is ready in 20 minutes, then other times it takes me forever to write a tiny paragraph. I am really paranoid though and spend ages rereading everything I’ve written before I finally post it.

3. When did you start your book blog?

I think I started it two weeks ago.

4. What is the worst thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

It can be disappointing when you spend ages working really hard on a post and it doesn’t do well. Obviously you shouldn’t just post for attention, but it’s nice when you put a lot of effort in to a post and can see that people enjoyed it, or want to talk about it more in the comments.

5. What is the best thing about having a book blog in your opinion?

I really love talking to people in the comments. Whenever I finish reading a book I always want to discuss every aspect of it, which no one else I know irl wants to do, so it’s nice to be able to come on and find people who actually want to hear about it.

6. What blog post have you had the most fun writing so far?

I loved writing my My Favourite Young Adult Series post, which was actually the first post I did especially for my blog and I was really happy with how it turned out. I also had so much fun writing the My Favourite Book Boyfriends post for my friends August blog takeover challenge.

8. When do you typically write?

I write as soon as I’ve finished a review so I don’t have a set day.

9. Do you review every book you read?

Yes, I just remembered that it was actually my new years resolution to review every book I read in 2016, so I’m proud of myself haha!

10. How do you write your book reviews? With a cup of coffee or tea? With Netflix? Cuddled with your fur baby?

I don’t really have a set writing process that I follow, it depends on the mood I’m in when writing each post.

11. When do you write your book reviews? Right after finishing the book? Two weeks after finishing the book?


If I can, I write the post straightaway. I couldn’t leave it too long or I’d literally forget everything that happened.

 12. How often do you post?

My 100% set days are Monday/Wednesday/Friday, but sometimes I get too excited to share a book review and have to post it immediately, regardless of the day. I also quite like posting on Saturdays, so I’ll do a little bonus post if I can.


Thank you again to Books and Coffee Cups for tagging me, these questions were really fun to answer!

I tag:

1.  Teacher of YA

2. Miserable and Magical

3. The Heathen

4. Swooning Over Fictional Men

5.  Bookslayer Reads

If you guys have time to do the tag please leave a link in the comments, I’m so nosey I love reading everyone’s answers!



7 thoughts on “Book Blogger Insider Tag

    • Emma says:

      I think it’s actually been longer! I couldn’t sleep last night trying to work out how long it’s been and worrying about it haha! I think maybe 4 weeks? I just can’t keep track of time lol. Thank you so much! It’s been so nice talking to you😘


  1. Jasmine says:

    That’s funny about the “rubbish” post in your notes hehe Can’t believe you haven’t been blogging that long!? I agree with you about posting asap because I don’t want to lose that immediate feeling after the read and don’t want to forget anything. 😊


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